Put him back where he belongs.

The following was sent to me via email by my boy D. Ricardo aka socadan

A little girl wanted to know what the United States looked like. Her Father tore a map of the United States out of his magazine and cut it into small pieces. He gave them to her and said, ‘Go into the other room and see if you can put this together. This will show you our whole country today..’


After some minutes, she returned and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together. The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly.
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus.
When I got all of Jesus back where He belonged, then our country just came together.’

Sooo…….. when we get Jesus back where He Belongs, our country will come together.

Thanks Dan.

Blessings and miracles all,


Nigel Salickram & Knycky Cordner – Bachna.( 2010 )




FunnyNESS with Bam Bams

This one was written, recorded, and shot as a funny track.  Honestly, it was meant to bring out some laughs. Made it to the Soca Monarch semis 2009 (T&T).  Take into consideration I had a broken…BROKEN AH SAY hip while shooting this video. As a matter of fact, all through carnival 2009, I performed on my broken hip. It was amazing (and somewhat terrifying) to see me get on stage with crutches, then discard them for a microphone  and jump for approximately 45 mins a session, sometimes 2/3 sessions a night. The fellers in the industry gave me the name Soldier. They said they couldn’t do what I did. I still prefer the name Bionic woman. All this steel does make me feel a little bionicISH.

Thanks again to the Men of (Blue) VENTURES, Bobby Quan, Johnny Q,  Toppa and the MyStatic TV team, my super-model-dancer ladies, the guys at the work site that just agreed to jump in the video just so just so, Dr. Mulrain, Dr. Terry,  and all the interns and nurses of 10a San-Fernando GH. NO THANKS TO THE DOCTOR AT ST. CLAIR WHO PUT ME BACK IN THAT POSITION IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Anyway, I’m healed so I’ll leave that alone. God doh sleep eh!

Blessings (and miracles are real, I was tested and have the testimonies!),


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