



I found this photo of an injured yet SMILING soldier and as most things do, it got me thinking. 

What’s our excuse for not smiling/being happy? Huh? Whether it’s simply “putting on a brave face”, sometimes we’ve got to trick our mind, our soul into being happy. 

We got up this morning=ALIVE!

We’ve got the strength to be perusing social media=HEALTHY! And I can go on…….. We have got so much to be grateful for. When I think about some of the issues others face I strongly have to ask: “What’s stopping us from being happy?!? Even while dealing with our own issues! 

Could it be you? #AhaMoment! Could you be blocking your own happiness?  From this point on let’s try to stop negative thoughts from taking away what it didn’t give.  Why not try being grateful for the things YOU DO HAVE rather than moan about the ones that are not yet in your reach. 

#Namaste and blessings for a super productive day. 


Our band Night Angels

WTH! is wrong with me?

Today Saturday 10th September 2011 my day started at 5:42AM. Actually I did not sleep well. I got approximately 2 hours sleep, well rest, okay call it sleep if you must, then it turned into (for those of you familiar with me and what I call)  a “VEG OUT DAY” . It was so totally different from last weekend which was jammed with activity, three straight days  (Saturday – Monday) of shooting photos and videos with my band  Night Angels.  Side note: It was a lot of work but so much fun!  I absolutely LOVE MY CAREER!


Today however I wasn’t feeling. I wasn’t feeling happy (strange). I wasn’t down, I almost felt nada. Has that ever happened to you? So I lazed around, looked at The Help (good movie), read a novel called “Bitter Sweet” by Roopa Farooki which I loved and surfed the ‘net. I DID NOT EVEN CLEAN HUUUH!


I went so far as to cancel my dinner date to Texas De Brazil. WTH!!! Now THAT IS THE STRANGEST OF THEM ALL cause I love to eat and I love my meat. *giggles*


It’s now 9:48PM, and am having my usual evening glass of vino and thought I should say hi and send my love to you. “Hi, I love you”. LOL. “How have YOU been?”

Thanks for reading my… my… my… my thoughts.

(A sort of PS): Sometimes I have to refrain from coming here, am SERIOUS! I always keep it real and sooooooooooo I’ve been cautioned by the people that love me unconditionally that because I’m so open and honest, I really need to be cognizant that even though I’m willing to let others into my world by sharing my thoughts on this forum , I simply cannot say any and everything I would like. I appreciate their concern and I do understand. I would so love LOVE to call out companies that constantly deliver poor service, number plates of drivers who drive like fools on the road etc etc but I will not. I sometimes tweet about it @ Knycky Cordner (knycky) on Twitter *winks*.

Anyhow as usual I strayed. LOL. let me know what you’ve been up to pumpkins.

Love you (((HUGS))),


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